Memorial Tree

We accept tax deductible donations to be used in a variety of ways for the benefit of our library and archives. You may honor your friends or loved ones with a donation for special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, and memorials. The donations can be directed to a special project or activity or earmarked for books, shelving, or other research category such as Indian research or African-American research. Contributions to the general operating fund or the building fund are always appreciated. Money from the building fund is used primarily for upkeep, repairs and renovations to our existing two buildings.

All gifts are acknowledged and gratefully appreciated. Contributions can be made in memory of or in honor of someone. Donations of $100 or more will be recognized with an engraved leaf on the Memorial Tree located on the east wall of our library. Leaves are placed in the following amounts: $100-$499, silver leaf; $500-$999, brass leaf; and $1000 or more, gold leaf. Leaves can accommodate up to four lines of type and contributors can write the desired inscription.